Fall of Paletwa Twsp tactical base deals serious blow to regime: analysts

The heavily guarded base has two helipads and was a heavy loss for the regime both militarily and economically, as it is strategically located near the India-Myanmar border with access to Arakan and Chin states, and on the trade route to India, according to analysts.

By Admin 07 Dec 2023

Arakan Army fighters celebrate after seizing the Taron Eain base in Paletwa Township, Chin State.
Arakan Army fighters celebrate after seizing the Taron Eain base in Paletwa Township, Chin State.

DMG Newsroom
7 December 2023, Paletwa

The Arakan Army (AA) launched attacks on junta tactical command bases in Taron Eain and Nonebu villages in Chin State’s Paletwa Township on November 14. After 14 days of fighting, the AA occupied the tactical command base at Taron Eain.

The heavily guarded base has two helipads and was a heavy loss for the regime both militarily and economically, as it is strategically located near the India-Myanmar border with access to Arakan and Chin states, and on the trade route to India, according to analysts.

“Paletwa is located at the border of Rakhine [Arakan] and Chin states. It is also home to India’s Kaladan project, and the town therefore plays an important part in India-Myanmar relations. This is why the regime built a tactical command base there with helipads,” said political analyst U Than Soe Naing.

The AA’s seizure of the base is expected to have impacts on the Kaladan project. “The project is crucial for India as it will enable India to transport goods across Southeast Asia via Thailand and Myanmar. But the project has been halted as the AA has seized the base,” U Than Soe Naing added.

Myanmar’s military regime has lost control of large swaths of territory at the border since the launch of “Operation 1027” by the Brotherhood Alliance and other revolutionary groups on
October 27, which will negatively impact the confidence of neighbouring countries that have invested in Myanmar, warned military analysts.

The AA’s seizure of the junta base at Taron Eain will negatively affect the confidence that Bangladesh and India have in the regime, said former Arakanese lawmaker U Aung Thaung Shwe.

“Every country gives priority to their national interests. So, they might be aware that engaging with the AA will be more beneficial than engaging with the regime. So, if the AA can maintain control of that place, it will bring great opportunities for it in trade and diplomatic realms in the future,” said U Aung Thaung Shwe.

The AA is still fighting to gain control of the other tactical command base at Nonebu and other outposts. The seizure of the Nonebu base would provide business opportunities for local tribes along the border with India and Bangladesh.

“There are Chin and Arakanese tribes along the border with Bangladesh and India. If the AA can take control of the Nonebu base and other outposts, it will boost trade and trigger development,” said a military and political analyst from Arakan State. 

The Taron Eain base is located some 35 miles from Paletwa town upstream the Kaladan River. Taron Eain Village is just 10 miles from the border with Bangladesh, and India’s Mizoram state.

The AA has also seized junta outposts on the border trade route in Cheinkali, Donepike and Donenyo villages in Maungdaw Township, as well as the Khahteehla outpost in Buthidaung. It has also taken over dozens of outposts abandoned by junta soldiers.