Arakkha Army surrounds junta positions in Kyaukphyu

The Arakkha Army (AA) has yet to attack regime positions in Kyaukphyu, the site of major Chinese investments in Arakan State, though military tensions are running high in the region.

By Admin 11 Jun 2024

A Chinese oil tanker at Maday Island in 2019.
A Chinese oil tanker at Maday Island in 2019.

DMG Newsroom
11 June 2024, Kyaukphyu

The Arakkha Army (AA) has yet to attack regime positions in Kyaukphyu, the site of major Chinese investments in Arakan State, though military tensions are running high in the region.

Kyaukphyu is home to China-backed deep-sea port and special economic zone (SEZ) projects, which are key to a 1,700-kilometre China-Myanmar Economic Corridor connecting Kunming in landlocked Yunnan province to the Indian Ocean.

The regime currently only has control over Kyaukphyu Town and Maday Island, the site of the Chinese projects, as well as some 12 villages near the town. The rest of the township is controlled by the AA.

“There are still no serious clashes in Kyaukphyu Township. The regime only controls the areas within a 10-mile radius of the town,” said a Kyaukphyu resident.

The junta’s Light Infantry Battalion Nos. 542 and 543, Infantry Battalion No. 34, the Danyawaddy naval base, Taung Maw Gyi sub-naval station and a police battalion are all based in Kyaukphyu. The Danyawaddy naval base, Taung Maw Gyi naval station and police battalion are surrounded by AA troops.

“Junta troops only fire shots from their bases. And the AA has not yet advanced on their bases. Fighting could break out at any time,” said a Kyaukphyu resident.

The regime has tightened security in Kyaukphyu Town while using warships and planes to bring in reinforcements.

China has mediated talks between the regime and the AA aimed at reaching a ceasefire in Arakan State, but the AA has said a truce is currently impossible due to the junta’s ongoing attacks on civilians.

Since launching an offensive in November, the AA has seized nine townships in Arakan State and Paletwa Township in neighbouring Chin State.

Fighting between the two sides has been raging in Maungdaw, Ann and Thandwe townships in recent weeks.