Amyotha Hluttaw lawmaker raises question about IDP students

“Students fled from conflict zone are in need of educational access and they lack required documents and educational materials such as books. The main objective is for students to be able to pursue their education this year,” the lawmaker said.

07 Aug 2019

Nay Yaung Min | DMG

7 August, Hluttaw

A lawmaker raised a question in the parliament session on 6 August about students who are deprived education because of the continued fighting in northern Arakan State.

The armed confrontations have forced more than 50,000 people to flee from their homes. More than 5000 of them are students who are now taking shelter in the camps open urgently by Arakanese people.

The ongoing fighting has affected more than 50 schools and 20 of them could not be reopen in this academic year, said U Khin Maung Latt, Amyotha Hluttaw representative for Arakan State’s No (3) constituency.

“Students fled from conflict zone are in need of educational access and they lack required documents and educational materials such as books. The main objective is for students to be able to pursue their education this year,” the lawmaker said.

Lawmakers urged the government to use the education budget or emergency funds for IDP students.

U Win Maw Tun, deputy minister for Education, responded by saying that there over 2000 students staying in 53 IDP camps in Arakan State and the department has arranged for them to be able to go to schools closest to IDP camps.

“We have planned to register IDP students at the nearest schools. We have already arranged to build temporary classrooms if the nearest school doesn’t have enough room for them. The Department of Basic Education has also provided school supplies for them,” the deputy minister said.

Schools from some villages have been closed temporary due to ongoing fighting in Arakan State, with the result that students cannot pursue their education.