Recent fights result in increased numbers of IDPs in Minbya Township

The continuing hostilities between the Tatmadaw and the AA have been intensified in Minbya Township, the number of refugees has reached 5000 at eight IDP camps.

06 Aug 2019

Photo - Nyi Nyi Aung

Win Nyunt | DMG

6 August, Sittwe             

The continuing hostilities between the Tatmadaw and the AA have been intensified in Minbya Township, the number of refugees has reached 5000 at eight IDP camps.

The Tatmadaw has currently been using heavy artillery in Minbya Township, said U Hla Thein Aung, Arakan State MP for Minbya Township.

“We now have eight refugee camps. Over 2500 villagers are taking shelter in these camps. More than 2000 other displaced people are taking refuge in their relatives’ homes. I am not sure if fighting is occurring at the moment or not. I myself have heard long bursts of artillery fire by the military troop recently,” U Hla Thein Aung said.

Local residents from villages in Minbya Township such as Kalama Taung, Tan Seik, Taw Tan, Dagundaing, Done Gyi, Ngan Tet, Kyauk Maw, Zone Tha, Taung Pote Kay, Tha Lu Chaung, Sai Dara, Let Khote and Nga Tar villages have been forced from their homes by recent fighting.

The law maker U Hla Thein Aung said that the displaced villagers have been facing appallingly circumstances.

“All the camps face difficulties. They are in dire need of health care services, food, accommodations and sufficient toilets,” he said.

The displaced villagers are taking shelter in Ann Thar, Thay Kan, Ziwa, Nayan, Pan Zin Kaing, U Soe Tint, Pannya Yama and Yadana Mon IDP camps.

“Because it’s the rainy season, people have to eat where they sleep. So, we are building two dining rooms.  We have managed to send students from the camps to the village school,” said U Maung Han, manager of Thay Kan IDP camp.

The AA has announced that it has currently confronted the Tatmadaw in Minbya Township.

Minbya locals also said that the Tatmadaw troops in Minbya Town have provided back up support for its troops in the conflict affected areas by launching heavy offensives to deter enemy’s attack.