Local ULA/AA leader in Ann Twsp dies in junta custody

A local leader of the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) in Arakan State’s Ann Township died in military custody on October 14, according to locals.

By DMG 15 Oct 2022

ULA/AA members

DMG Newsroom
15 October 2022, Ann

A local leader of the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) in Arakan State’s Ann Township died in military custody on October 14, according to locals.

Ko Byar Gyi aka Ko Myo Min Soe, the deputy head of the ULA/AA in Kazu Kaing, was shot and detained on Friday morning at a house in Taung Maw Village by five junta soldiers led by Captain Win Thu Aung from the Swe Chaung tactical command, according to residents.

He was then reportedly taken to a junta checkpoint at Kazu Kaing, where he died later on Friday.

“Five armed junta soldiers led by Captain Win Thu Aung came there around 8:30 a.m.,” a resident said. “The deputy AA leader and his two tried to run away through the back door. Junta soldiers fired shots and the deputy leader was hit in his arm. The junta captain then forced three locals to help him take the deputy AA leader to Kazu Kaing Bridge.”

The resident suggested that the deputy AA leader was subsequently beaten to death by junta soldiers as he was only injured in one of his arms.

“The wound the deputy AA leader sustained was not a fatal wound. It could have been treated. I heard he died later at noon, and his body was taken to Swe Chaung tactical command,” said the resident.

DMG was unable to contact junta spokesman Major-General Zaw Min Tun and Arakan State Security and Border Affairs Minister Colonel Kyaw Thura for comment.

DMG was also unable to contact AA spokesman U Khaing Thukha to confirm the death of Ko Byar Gyi.

Myanmar’s military regime has recently stepped up its arrests of residents on suspicion of having ties to the AA, amid renewed fighting with the Arakanese ethnic armed group.