Mrauk-U’s Shitthaung Temple to get pagoda digital directory

The junta’s Religious Affairs and Culture Ministry is planning to make a pagoda digital directory at the Shitthaung Temple in the ancient town of Mrauk-U, Arakan State.

By Admin 08 Sep 2023

Shitthaung Temple in Mrauk-U.
Shitthaung Temple in Mrauk-U.

DMG Newsroom
8 September 2023, Mrauk-U

The junta’s Religious Affairs and Culture Ministry is planning to make a pagoda digital directory at the Shitthaung Temple in the ancient town of Mrauk-U, Arakan State.

During a meeting at the National Museum in Nay Pyi Taw on September 5, officials discussed installing pagoda digital directories at Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon, Maha Myat Muni Buddha Image in Mandalay, Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda in Mon State, Shwezigon and Ananda Pagodas in NyaungU, Uppatasanti Pagoda in Nay Pyi Taw, Myathalun Pagoda in Magway, Shwesandaw Pagoda in Pyay and Shitthaung Temple in Mrauk-U.

Junta-appointed Minister of Religious Affairs and Culture U Tin Oo Lwin said the effort to digitise the cultural heritage of these pagados was intended to make that information more accessible to the public, the state-owned broadcaster MRTV reported.

Regarding the matter, the Arakan State Department of Religious Affairs has informed the pagoda board of trustees of Shitthaung Temple in writing, said U Saw Shwe Maung, chairman of the pagoda board of trustees.

By having a pagoda digital directory, pilgrims from all over Myanmar, including Arakan State, and tourists will be able to easily find out about the pagoda’s history and contents, with some heritage preservation groups coming out in support of the plan.

“If there is a pagoda digital directory, visitors can easily see pagoda history and we will understand the true history. It’s complicated with oral history and what people say, so I think it would be better if pagoda history was written with such modern technology,” said Daw Khin Than, chairwoman of the Mrauk-U Cultural Heritage Conservation Association.

Shitthaung Temple was built by Mrauk-U King Min Bar Gyi in 894 Myanmar eras and it is one of the more prominent pagodas in Myanmar due to its unique Arakanese architectural and cultural heritage.

“It would be good if the history of the pagodas and the dates of the pagodas are shown in a digital directory. If the pilgrims did not know the contents of the pagoda after the pilgrimage, it would be meaningless. I think it would be better if the history was described in detail,” said Ko Kyaw Than Hlaing, a local man in Mrauk-U.

Apart from Shitthaung Temple, there are many other ancient pagodas in Mrauk-U such as Htokanthein and Koe Thaung. Efforts were initiated in 2017 to nominate Mrauk-U for eventual recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.