Mrauk-U oxygen plant expected online by end of July
Installation of oxygen generators has begun at an oxygen plant in Mrauk-U town, Arakan State, since July 14, said the Nan Yeik Garunar social welfare group, which is providing help securing oxygen supplies locally.
15 Jul 2021

DMG Newsroom
15 July 2021, Mrauk-U
Installation of oxygen generators has begun at an oxygen plant in Mrauk-U town, Arakan State, since July 14, said the Nan Yeik Garunar social welfare group, which is providing help securing oxygen supplies locally.
The oxygen plant was built under the supervision of the Mrauk-U Sayadaw and oxygen production is expected to begin at the facility by the end of July, according to U Than Tun, secretary of the Nan Yeik Garuna group.
“Four engineers from Yangon have arrived now to install the oxygen generators. Another four men from China came to test the generators,” U Than Tun told DMG.
About 40 cylinders with a capacity of 40 litres of oxygen each will be produced per day after the generators are installed. However, the engineers are reportedly facing difficulties installing the generators due to insufficient equipment.
“The value of the oxygen plant is about K70 million. But it costs more than K100 million because of the fee for installing the generators and transportation. We will provide oxygen to the needy,” U Than Tun said.
Oxygen produced at the plant in Mrauk-U will be provided to Kyauktaw, Minbya, Myebon, Ponnagyun and other towns in Arakan State.
Covid-19 and its multiple variants can cause serious, sometimes fatal respiratory problems, and oxygen demand is currently on the rise across Myanmar as more and more patients are fitted with oxygen tubes.
Efforts are underway to bring new oxygen generating facilities online in Sittwe, Thandwe and elsewhere.