Junta uses attack helicopters, artillery onslaught in clashes with TNLA in northern Shan State

Fierce fighting between the military and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) was reportedly ongoing as of Thursday in Namhsan Township, northern Shan State, with the military using attack helicopters.

By DMG 08 Dec 2022

Military attack helicopters were reportedly used in clashes with the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) in Namhsan Township, Shan State. (Photo: CJ)

DMG Newsroom
8 December 2022, Namhsan, northern Shan State

Fierce fighting between the military and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) was reportedly ongoing as of Thursday in Namhsan Township, northern Shan State, with the military using attack helicopters.

Hostilities began on December 7 after the military launched attacks on a TNLA camp in Namhsan Township.

On Thursday, a 200-strong military contingent stormed three villages in Namhsan Township, with two military helicopters attacking the residential areas, said a resident of Namhsan.

“The military sent reinforcements with the use of aircrafts and the military’s helicopters attacked two villages,” the Namhsan resident added.

Clashes were continuing as of 1 p.m. on December 8.

“The military attacked with two gunships at villages such as Manlone, where the fighting is ongoing. The villagers have fled to safer locations in fear,” said a resident of Manlone Village.

Mortar shells fired by the regime’s military bases in Namhsan and Mantong towns fell in Manlone, Humang, Panalauk and Kontha villages, forcing at least 3,000 locals to flee, according to residents.

“Some mortar shells fired by the military landed and exploded in the village. Around 10 homes in the village were destroyed by the mortar shells. We have fled to safer locations as we dare not stay in the village,” said a resident of Kontha Village.

Schools and shops in downtown Namhsan were shuttered due to the military’s aerial and artillery onslaught, coupled with its moving of ground troop reinforcements into the area, according to residents of Namhsan.