Myanmar military fortifies village at gateway to Sittwe

The junta's Light Infantry Battalion Nos. 232 and 344, and a military training school are based in Padaleik. The regime has been reinforcing its positions in the village since last month.

By Admin 02 Sep 2024

A junta vehicle near Padaleik Village in Sittwe Township, Arakan State. (File Photo / July 2023)
A junta vehicle near Padaleik Village in Sittwe Township, Arakan State. (File Photo / July 2023)

DMG Newsroom
2 September 2024, Sittwe

Myanmar's military regime is digging trenches and building bunkers around Padaleik Village at an entrance to the Arakan State capital Sittwe as it prepares for an anticipated Arakkha Army (AA) offensive.

The junta's Light Infantry Battalion Nos. 232 and 344, and a military training school are based in Padaleik. The regime has been reinforcing its positions in the village since last month.

"The regime has been building bunkers and trenches with backhoes. It is digging trenches at the riverfront areas for fear that the AA would advance from Rathedaung Township," said a resident of Padaleik Village.

The village is home to more than 500 households and is made up of four wards. The regime has reportedly forced residents to swap homes.

"Many residents have fled. But some remain in the village. They are not allowed to live in their own houses. Residents from No. 1 Ward were moved to No. 4 Ward, and vice versa. Residents from No. 2 Ward were moved to No. 3 Ward and vice versa," said a woman who fled from Padaleik Village.

The junta has beefed up security in Sittwe Township after clashing with the AA on August 29.

Padaleik is considered a first fortress for the regime in Sittwe, where a regional operations command is based.

"To attack Sittwe, the AA must first attack the battalions in Padaleik. So, the regime has fortified the village there," said an Arakan military affairs analyst.

The AA is currently attacking the last-standing junta positions in Thandwe and Maungdaw townships. Military analysts believe the AA's next target would be Sittwe if it succeeds in seizing Maungdaw.