100,000 acres of paddy destroyed by floods across Bago Region 

About 100,000 acres of paddy fields have been destroyed by floods triggered by incessant rains across eight townships in Bago Region, according to the Myanmar Rice Federation in Bago District.

By Admin 13 Oct 2023

Paddy fields inundated by floodwaters in DaikU Township. (Photo: U Aung Myint)
Paddy fields inundated by floodwaters in DaikU Township. (Photo: U Aung Myint)

DMG Newsroom
13 October 2023, Bago
About 100,000 acres of paddy fields have been destroyed by floods triggered by incessant rains across eight townships in Bago Region, according to the Myanmar Rice Federation in Bago District.
Because the floodwaters have not yet receded, the exact extent of the damage to Bago Region’s rice fields is not yet known, a federation official said.
“The water has not receded yet and the water level of the Bago River is rising,” said U Aung Myin, chairman of the Myanmar Rice Federation (Bago District). “Thousands of paddy fields in DaikU Township were destroyed by floodwaters.  We are still compiling the data to know exactly the number of acres of paddy fields damaged by the flooding.”
Paddy fields in the townships of Bago, Waw, Kyauktaga, Nyaunglebin, Shwegyin, DaikU, Kawa and Thanatpin were destroyed by floodwaters.
“Farmers are disappointed with paddy fields submerged by floodwaters,” said U Shwesin Paw Oo, a local farmer from Sinohbo Village.
Farmers have cultivated their paddy fields despite the difficulties of rising fertiliser prices and other high agricultural input and labour costs, as well as the effects of climate change, with the recent flooding just the latest challenge.
“My paddy fields were destroyed by the flooding. My paddy fields were about to be harvested. I don’t know how to make a living,” said Ko Chan Tha, a local farmer in Thanatpin Township.
Bago Region’s General Administration Department is compiling a list of paddy fields destroyed by the floods, according to farmers.
The Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF) has said that it will provide assistance to farmers in Bago Region whose paddy fields were destroyed.
“If there is a list of paddy plantations damaged by floods, please compile it,” said U Ye Min Aung, chairman of the MRF. “We will work to help farmers efficiently. If you have connections with local farmers, please help them.”