Operation 1027 expected to intensify armed resistance to regime

Min Aung Hlaing vowed to strike back at the ethnic alliance, and explained away defeats by saying his regime has to exercise restraint while fighting near the Chinese border to avoid souring bilateral relations.

By Admin 09 Nov 2023

Operation 1027 expected to intensify armed resistance to regime

DMG Newsroom
9 November, 2023, Sittwe

After the Myanmar military regime held an emergency meeting of the National Defense and Security Council (NDSC) on Wednesday, political analysts suggested that fighting could escalate across the country.

The regime held an NDSC emergency meeting amid the ongoing offensive by the Brotherhood Alliance, made up of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, Ta’ang National Liberation Army and Arakan Army.

Junta leader Min Aung Hlaing said the Kachin Independence Army and People’s Defence Forces are also fighting alongside the Brotherhood Alliance in northern Shan State, and that preparations to launch the offensive were made in territory held by the United Wa State Army.

Min Aung Hlaing vowed to strike back at the ethnic alliance, and explained away defeats by saying his regime has to exercise restraint while fighting near the Chinese border to avoid souring bilateral relations.

Junta-appointed acting president U Myint Swe said the country could break apart if the regime does not effectively handle the conflict in northern Shan State.

The revolution will reach a turning point if Operation 1027 spreads beyond Shan State to reach Sagaing Region, according to political analyst Than Soe Naing.

“The Karenni National Progressive Party has also declared Operation 1107 in parallel with Operation 1027. Junta leaders are aware that the revolt can intensify in Sagaing, Magwe and Mandalay regions, and can reach Naypyitaw. So, they must have decided to respond fiercely at the meeting,” said U Than Soe Naing.

Politician U Pe Than said other ethnic armed organisations are likely to join Operation 1027.

“[The regime] may declare those ethnic armed groups terrorist organisations. Operation could trigger widespread armed uprising in the country. There is a possibility of the regime making political and military concessions,” he said.

The Brotherhood Alliance said on Wednesday that it had seized around 150 junta positions, significant weapons caches and six towns since the offensive was launched some two weeks ago.