AA seizes junta artillery battalion, advanced signal unit in Ann Twsp
The AA seized control of the No. 374 Artillery Battalion and No. 8 Advanced Signal Battalion in Ann on November 7, according to a military source.
08 Nov 2024

DMG Newsroom
8 November 2024, Ann
The Arakkha Army (AA) has captured a junta artillery regiment and an advanced signal battalion in Arakan State’s Ann Township, where the Myanmar military’s Western Command is based.
The AA seized control of the No. 374 Artillery Battalion and No. 8 Advanced Signal Battalion in Ann on November 7, according to a military source.
“The battle for control of Ann is fierce. The AA has so far seized several junta battalions. The military’s Western Command will fall to the AA soon,” said a military source.
The AA has so far seized control of about 10 out of 13 military camps in Ann Township and continues its offensive aimed at taking control of the remaining camps.
The regime is responding with ground forces plus aerial and artillery support to defend the Western Command. Several junta soldiers have reportedly deserted to the AA due to the ethnic armed group’s battlefield advances.
“The military’s Western Command is weak and some junta soldiers defected to the AA. It can be said that the AA has the advantage to take over the military’s Western Command,” said a source on the ground.
The AA, which has declared that it will fight to conquer the entirety of Arakan State, is expected to accelerate efforts to implement its military objectives on the ground with the arrival of the dry season.