NUG PM urges anti-regime forces to ramp up attacks ahead of junta’s planned election

The junta-appointed Union Election Commission (UEC) has informed political parties to prepare for the elections in November 2025.

By Admin 28 Aug 2024

NUG’s Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than is seen at the conclusion of a military training course. (Photo: NUG)
NUG’s Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than is seen at the conclusion of a military training course. (Photo: NUG)

DMG Newsroom
28 August 2024, Sittwe

The Prime Minister of the National Unity Government (NUG) Mahn Win Khaing Than said that before the election planned by the military regime, revolutionary organisations should step up offensive attacks across Myanmar and prepare politically.

At a meeting of Myanmar’s parallel administration on August 27, Mahn Win Khaing Than noted that the military regime intends to hold elections in late 2025.

“There are some countries that will support the junta-planned election, so the military regime will hold the election in whatever way it can. We need to carefully consider this, and on the one hand, to increase the offensive attack on the military regime as much as possible, and on the other hand, to be politically prepared,” he said.

Along with military means, the NUG must try to make progress in all aspects of the administration, including foreign affairs, diplomatic situations and revolutionary organisations, he continued.

The junta-appointed Union Election Commission (UEC) has informed political parties to prepare for the elections in November 2025.

“The election that the regime is talking about cannot be held in the central Myanmar and ethnic areas of the country. As the operations of the revolutionary groups that threaten Naypyidaw are on the rise, I think that the regime will only be able to hold elections in island towns like Manaung Island,” said U Pe Than, a military and political analyst.

The regime has lost control of at least 76 towns since November of last year. Fighting has been raging in Arakan, Chin, Shan, Kachin states and Sagaing, Magwe and Mandalay regions.

“In order to quickly end the military regime, all the revolutionary forces must be organised and prepared to be ready. The revolutionary forces will increase trust among themselves and work together to create a future together,” he said.

The NUG leader said that the military regime, which is facing the worst military defeat in history, is using various methods to drag the country down with them, so they must be very careful.

In addition to armed conflicts including the junta’s indiscriminate attacks on civilian populations in many locations, the Myanmar economy has been in free fall since the coup, with hyperinflation, unemployment and power cuts taking a heavy toll on millions across the country.

The Myanmar military seized power in a coup from the democratically elected government in February 2021, plunging the country into civil war.

More than 3 million people have been internally displaced by the fighting across Myanmar and civilian casualties continue to rise due to the regime’s airstrikes, artillery assaults and arson attacks on residential areas.