Korean firm, Arakan State-based charity donate rice to cyclone victims

POSCO International Co., and the Shwe Yaung Myitta Foundation, a local charity, are reportedly donating 6,000 bags of rice to Cyclone Mocha victims in Arakan State.

By Admin 15 Jul 2023

Storm victims are seen waiting in front of the Shwe Yaung Myitta Foundation office on July 14.
Storm victims are seen waiting in front of the Shwe Yaung Myitta Foundation office on July 14.

DMG Newsroom
15 July 2023, Sittwe

POSCO International Co., and the Shwe Yaung Myitta Foundation, a local charity, are reportedly donating 6,000 bags of rice to Cyclone Mocha victims in Arakan State.

About 4,000 rice bags have been donated to storm victims in villages such as Thae Khon, Taungoomaw, Letpanpyar, Manawthiri and Thawinchaung in Pauktaw Township, and 2,000 will be donated to 1,500 households in Sittwe Township.

Tokens have been issued to eligible families since July 14, and each family affected by the storm in Sittwe was slated to receive two baskets of rice on July 16.

“Local people in Arakan State are facing livelihood hardships following Cyclone Mocha. This is the reason why we donate rice to storm victims,” said U Min Htel Wah, chairman of the Shwe Yaung Myitta Foundation.

About 1,000 storm-affected residents were seen waiting in front of the Shwe Yaung Myitta Foundation office on Saturday after word spread that rice would be provided.

“I heard news that tokens will be issued to storm victims to receive rice,” said Daw Hla May, a resident of Block 17 in Sittwe’s Mingan Ward. “I have been waiting in front of the Shwe Yaung Myitta Foundation office since 6 a.m. The tokens have reportedly run out.”

More than 3,000 people came to take tokens from the Shwe Yaung Myitta Foundation office on Saturday.

Two months after Cyclone Mocha made landfall over Arakan State, the majority of storm victims in the state remain in need of emergency assistance, the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) said in a statement on July 14.