As cash runs low in Thandwe, residents face dire food shortages

Cash is running low in Arakan State’s Thandwe Township as local bank branches have closed since earlier this month amid escalating hostilities between Myanmar’s military regime and the Arakkha Army (AA).

By Admin 17 Jun 2024

KBZ Bank’s Thandwe branch in 2021. 
KBZ Bank’s Thandwe branch in 2021. 

DMG Newsroom
17 June 2024, Thandwe

Cash is running low in Arakan State’s Thandwe Township as local bank branches have closed since earlier this month amid escalating hostilities between Myanmar’s military regime and the Arakkha Army (AA).

Popular mobile wallet services like KBZ Pay and Wave Pay powered by private banks are also not functional, making it difficult for people to withdraw cash.

“Mobile money agents have also closed their shops. Only one to two agents are operating in the entire town. We can’t withdraw as much money as we want. And we have to pay 5,000 kyats to withdraw 100,000 kyats,” lamented a Thandwe resident.

In comparison, fees are reportedly 1,000 kyats to withdraw 100,000 kyats in Yangon.

Cash shortages are impacting socioeconomic life for local people in Thandwe.

As trade flows have been severely disrupted by the fighting, Thandwe is running short of food and medicines, with the prices of remaining stocks skyrocketing, according to residents.

“We can’t flee the town due to the fighting. Food is running low, and we will starve soon,” said a Thandwe woman.

An estimated two-thirds of Thandwe residents have fled the town, while the rest are largely trapped in the town due to travel restrictions, fierce fighting near the town and financial constraints.

People who have fled Thandwe Town are also facing food shortages due to junta blockades.

“Only existing stocks are left in the town. But people can’t buy them even if they have money. If the situation goes on like this, many people will go hungry in the rainy season,” said a volunteer helping displaced people.

Fighting has been raging in Thandwe Township for more than two months, since the Arakkha Army launched an onslaught against junta positions in the township on April 13.