Mawlamyine University student arrested for anti-regime activities

A female student from Mawlamyine University was arrested on February 13 for allegedly participating in anti-military dictator protests in the Mon State capital Mawlamyine.

By DMG 14 Feb 2022

DMG Newsroom
14 February 2022, Yangon

A female student from Mawlamyine University was arrested on February 13 for allegedly participating in anti-military dictator protests in the Mon State capital Mawlamyine.

The student was arrested by police at her home in Mottama Zaytawun ward at about 10 a.m. on Sunday, a source close to her told DMG.

“She participated in protests previously. She is from Mawlamyine. We do not know why she is arrested now. She was investigated in the past for supporting PDF,” the source said, referring to the anti-regime People’s Defence Force.

The source added that police made investigative enquiries near her house after she was arrested.

Hundreds of young people have been arrested in Mawlamyine for participating in the anti-regime movement, with many of them charged under the Penal Code, the Counter-Terrorism Law or other criminal statutes.

On Sunday night, a bomb blast near San Gyi traffic light in Mawlamyine injured some junta soldiers and damaged a security outpost, residents said.

“The loud sound of an explosion was heard. We do not know who did it,” an anonymous resident of Mawlamyine town said.