Uncertainties ahead for students who failed matriculation exam this year

Students who failed this year’s matriculation examination are, “for the time being,” not allowed to learn the new curriculum at public schools, according to U Ba Htwee Sein, the head of the Arakan State Education Office.

By Admin 17 Jun 2023

Students take the matriculation exam in March 2023.
Students take the matriculation exam in March 2023.

DMG Newsroom
17 June 2023, Sittwe

Students who failed this year’s matriculation examination are, “for the time being,” not allowed to learn the new curriculum at public schools, according to U Ba Htwee Sein, the head of the Arakan State Education Office.

“There is still no policy about their schooling. For the time being, they can’t go to public schools,” he told DMG.

The Myanmar Examinations Department has yet to make a statement regarding how students who failed the matriculation exam for the 2022-23 academic year will be able to learn the new curriculum.

The matriculation examination held in March of this year was the last exam held under the old curriculum. After the exam results were released on June 9, students who failed the exam have indicated that they want to be given another chance under the same curriculum, with many of their parents’ support. 

“We want authorities to organise the exam under the old curriculum for one more year. It is also good if children can learn the new curriculum,” said Daw Than Than Nu from Shwe Nat Pyin Village in Ponnagyun Township.

Normally, applications for matriculation exams are invited in September.

There have been reports that students who failed this year’s matriculation exam can get private tuition outside the school and take the exam under the new curriculum. The matriculation is equivalent to the 12th grade under the new curriculum.

“All of us are nervous about taking the 12th grade exam from outside the school. Some even say that they would drop out. The curricula are different. I only want to sit the matriculation exam under the old curriculum,” said Ma Pan Myat Thwel from Zeditaung village in Buthidaung Township.

Students and parents have called on the Education Ministry to make public its plans for students who failed this year’s matriculation, as soon as possible.

A total of 16,928 students took the matriculation examination in Arakan State for the 2022-23 academic year. A total of 9,964 passed and 6,964 failed the exam, according to the Myanmar Examinations Department.

A total of 161,850 students sat for matriculation across the country this year, with 109,851 or 67.87 percent of them passing the exam.