Thai authorities to deport displaced children from Myanmar

Thai police detained the 126 ethnic minority children from Myanmar and seven Thai children from the school on Thursday, 

By Admin 07 Jul 2023

Thai police interrogate teachers about the displaced children from Myanmar. (Photo: PBS Media)
Thai police interrogate teachers about the displaced children from Myanmar. (Photo: PBS Media)

DMG Newsroom
7 July 2023, Sittwe

Thai authorities have detained 126 displaced Myanmar ethnic minority children learning at a school in Ang Thong district in northern Thailand, and are deporting them to Myanmar after opening a case against them under immigration law.

Thai police detained the 126 ethnic minority children from Myanmar and seven Thai children from the school on Thursday, according to parents and activists helping Myanmar migrant workers in Ang Thong district.

“Immigration officials and police raided the school, and took them to Ang Thong district police station. Seven Thai children were also taken,” said a labour rights activist.

Thai authorities also detained four teachers and the director of the school for allegedly harbouring foreigners.

“Thai authorities are deporting us back to Myanmar. We don’t want to go back. We would like to urge concerned organisations to help us,” said a parent of a displaced student.

The students are primary students aged between 8 and 10, and are children of internally displaced people from Lay Kay Kaw and Kawkareik in Kayin State.

Academics and NGOs have denounced the decision by Thai authorities to deport the displaced children to Myanmar.