Two Gwa Twsp men charged with terrorism, accused of funding junta opposition

Two men in Gwa Township, Arakan State, were arrested on February 19, and a lawsuit has been brought against them under Section 50(j) of the Counter-Terrorism Law after they were accused of providing money to the anti-regime People’s Defence Force (PDF).

By DMG 24 Feb 2022

DMG Newsroom
24 February  2022, Gwa 

Two men in Gwa Township, Arakan State, were arrested on February 19, and a lawsuit has been brought against them under Section 50(j) of the Counter-Terrorism Law after they were accused of providing money to the anti-regime People’s Defence Force (PDF). 

“A case has been opened under Section 50(j) of the Couter-Terrorism Law because they provided money for terrorist groups,”  an officer with the Arakan State police force who did not want to reveal their identity told DMG. “They solicited donations and provided money for terrorist groups.” 

U Zar Ni Kyaw, the Gwa Township administrator, said the men had been detained at the Gwa Myoma police station, where they were being questioned.  

“They were arrested, and are being interrogated at Gwa Myoma police station now,” he said. 

“One of them is working here as a site engineer for a building. He was arrested at a tea shop. I do not know the reason for the arrest. I do not know about the other man,” a Gwa resident told DMG.  

Attempts to seek comment from the head of Gwa Myoma police station regarding details of the case were unsuccessful.  

Subsequent investigative enquiries identified the two men as Ko Naing Naing Aye, a resident of Sar Chet Kwin ward in Gwa town who works in construction, and Ko Zin Moe Paing, a civil engineer from Yangon. DMG attempts to contact the men’s families are ongoing. 

At least 10 people have been arrested in Arakan State after being accused of funding the PDF or otherwise having illegal ties to the anti-regime armed group.