ULA/AA vows action against corrupt officials among its ranks

The AA said it will take action against corrupt officers and administrative staff who are misusing their powers and public resources.

By Admin 14 Sep 2024

AA officials return gold, cash and jewellery discovered by its fighters inside a church in Kyeintali on August 22.
AA officials return gold, cash and jewellery discovered by its fighters inside a church in Kyeintali on August 22.

DMG Newsroom
14 September 2024, Sittwe

During the battle for control of Arakan State, some members of the United League of Arakan/Arakkha Army (ULA/AA) have engaged in corrupt practices and abused their authority, and they will be punished effectively, the ethnic armed group has pledged.

The AA said it will take action against corrupt officers and administrative staff who are misusing their powers and public resources.

During the battles for various towns in Arakan State, actions were taken against those who misappropriated public wealth, gold, cash, jewellery and other private valuables without handing them over to the relevant officials, and the collected items were returned to their owners, the AA said in a statement on September 13.

In addition, the theft of property that was left behind during the war while local residents were fleeing the fighting has been thoroughly investigated, the perpetrators have been punished, and the property has been handed back to the owners, the statement said.

The AA urged local people to report missing valuables including gold, cash, and jewellery to the relevant authorities if they have not been found.

Since renewed hostilities began in November, the AA has seized control of 10 towns in Arakan State and Paletwa Township in neighbouring Chin State.

The AA continues to launch attacks on the Myanmar military in an attempt to capture Maungdaw, Taungup, Kyeintali, Gwa, Ann, Sittwe, Kyaukphyu and Manaung.

The Arakkha revolutionary government has established a Department of Law Enforcement and Public Security (DLEPS) and will recruit new officers to expand the department, the AA said.