Junta uses conscripts to bolster Gwa defences

More than 100 conscripts who recently completed their training have been assigned to security checkpoints, battalions and night patrols, sources told DMG.

By Admin 27 Jul 2024

 A junta military training for conscripts.
A junta military training for conscripts.

DMG Newsroom
27 July 2024, Gwa

Myanmar’s military regime has reinforced its positions with hundreds of militiamen in Gwa Town bordering Thandwe Township as it braces itself for attacks from the Arakkha Army (AA).

The AA has seized much of Thandwe Township, and is focused on attacking junta positions on the southern tip of Ngapali Beach.

More than 100 conscripts who recently completed their training have been assigned to security checkpoints, battalions and night patrols, sources told DMG.

“Those conscripts only underwent short training, and have no combat experience. The regime has assigned them on the routes that the AA would use to advance to Gwa. The regime wants to use them as human shields,” said the source.

They were reportedly conscripted from villages on the border of Ayeyarwady Region and Arakan State, and villages in Ngathainggyaung Township, in June and early July.

Around 50 men conscripted from Thit Kauk, Pauktu, and Chaungthargyi villages were assigned to Light Infantry Battalion Nos. 563 and 562 based in Gwa Township in early June, according to residents.

Family members are concerned for the safety of the conscripts, said a resident of Gwa Township.

“Family members are concerned that they would be used as human shields when the fighting breaks out. People are concerned that fighting might spread from Thandwe Township,” he said.

Some residents have already fled Gwa Township for fear of fighting.

Light Infantry Battalion Nos. 562 and 563 have been reinforced with more troops and weapons and landmines have been planted near the battalions, according to residents.

A junta warship is also reportedly deployed in the sea near Katoe Chaung Creek in Gwa Township.

One political analyst said: “The regime has blown up bridges to hamper the AA’s advances. No matter what it does, the AA will seize Gwa like it has seized other towns.”

The AA has made known its ambition of seizing the entirety of Arakan State. Since launching initial attacks in November, it has seized Pauktaw, Ponnagyun, Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Minbya, Myebon, Rathedaung, Buthidaung and Ramree townships out of the 17 townships in Arakan State, as well as Paletwa Township in neighbouring Chin State.