Military actions prompt mass displacement in Kyauktaw Twsp 

Myo Thiri Kyaw 05 Sep 2020

With COVID-19 infections continuing to rise in Arakan State, almost 20,000 locals residing along the Kaladan River in Kyauktaw Township have recently left their homes for safer places due to ongoing armed conflict in the area. 

Two teenage girls wounded by shelling in Kyauktaw Twsp

Nyan Hein 03 Sep 2020

Two teenage girls were wounded by shrapnel after an artillery shell allegedly fired by the military landed in Kyauktaw Township’s Alaekyun village at about 9 a.m. on September 3, according to family members of the victims and an Arakan State lawmaker. 

K40,000 in pandemic relief provided for IDP families in Buthidaung Twsp 

Kyaw Myo Aung 02 Sep 2020

The Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement on September 1 provided K40,000 (US$30) per family to war refugees in Buthidaung Township, with the government cash assistance intended as financial relief during the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in Arakan State. 

UN urges halt to clashes in Arakan, Chin states amid coronavirus upsurge

Khin Tharaphy Oo 02 Sep 2020

The United Nations office in Myanmar has pledged its full support for efforts to combat a recent COVID-19 outbreak in Arakan State, and urged the warring sides in the state’s armed conflict to “heed the Secretary General’s call for a global ceasefire” amid the pandemic. 

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