Government disability aid is required in Arakan State

Kyaw Thu Htay 05 Dec 2019

Aid from Arakan State government is required for persons with disabilities in Arakan State because they do not have enough help, said U Zaw Min Than, associate secretary of Association for Persons with Disability in Arakan State.

Prosecution witnesses questioned in lawsuit

Aung Htein 04 Dec 2019

The case has 13 prosecution witnesses including three people who have been in prison in Pakokku, Magway Region, and all of them have been questioned on 27 November, defense lawyer U Tun Hla said.

First rally in Arakan State in support of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

Khaing Min (Kyauk Phyu) 04 Dec 2019

Around 80 people led by National League for Democracy (NLD) in Ramree Township of Arakan State rallied to show support of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi because she is going to face trial for the Muslims of northern Arakan State.

Landmine education will be provided in Arakan State

Win Nyunt 03 Dec 2019

Because of clashes in December last year between the Tatmadaw and the AA, villagers who go outside villages to search for food, cut firewood or herd cattle become victims of landmines.

One teacher freed, yet another teacher charged

03 Dec 2019

One of two teachers from Buthidaung Township who have been accused under Anti-Terrorism Act has been released from custody due to insufficient evidence, lawyer Daw Oo Than Khin told DMG.

Man injured from landmine blast in Buthidaung Township

Cha Lu Aung 02 Dec 2019

A Muslim man from Tha Yet Pyin village in Buthidaung township of Arakan State lost his left leg and got severe injuries in his right leg after stepping on a land mine while he was herding cattle near his village at about 11 a.m. on 2 December.

Three villagers receive injuries in Mrauk-U

Aung Htein 02 Dec 2019

Three villagers received injuries due to fierce fighting between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) in Yan Chaung Phyar mountain range of Mrauk-U Township on the afternoon of 2 December.

Families face problems meeting relatives in Mandalay

Khaing Roe La 01 Dec 2019

U Aung Lin Htet, U Chan Nyein, U Myat Khaing and U Win Thein were arrested on 10 September after authorities found them with a satellite phone, binoculars, a GPS device, gun powder and detonators at a house in Mandalay Region’s Chan Mya Tharzi Township.

Notices banning drugs stuck up in Mrauk-U city

Win Nyunt 01 Dec 2019

Notices warning against drug dealers and users were posted on 28 November across Mrauk-U city would be taken serious action are ubiquitous across Mrauk-U city, local residents said.

Fighting between Tatmadaw and AA in Myebon Township

Khaing Roe La 30 Nov 2019

A clash broke out on Yangon-Sittwe road in Myebon Township yesterday morning and the Tatmadaw troop was supported by a helicopter attack, a local resident from Sanyin village said.

Over 500 Arakanese suspects sued for having ties to Arakan Army

Khaing Roe La 30 Nov 2019

The number of suspects allegedly arrested over suspected links to Arakan Army (AA) has reportedly reached over 500 in Arakan State amid ongoing clashes between the Tatmadaw and the ethnic armed group, according to Thazin Legal Aid.

Refugee camps need more food

30 Nov 2019

More than 600 displace people arrived at Shwe Phaung Tin monastery in Minbya Township’s Pan Myaung village on 27 November due to recent clashes that occurred near Kyaung Taung village in Mrauk-U Township.

Showing 6,621-6,640 of 7,486 items.