Four people sentenced to two years imprisonment for selling calendars

Khaing Roe La 18 Nov 2019

Four people including a publisher and seller of the Rakhita calendar were sentenced to two years imprisonment by the Nagpudaw Township court in Ayeyarwady Region on November 18 under section 17 (1) of Unlawful Association Act, the lawyers of the sentenced people said.

Three battalions near Rathedaung town attacked by the AA

Khaing Roe La 16 Nov 2019

“The Tamadaw’s Light Infantry Battalion 536, 537, 538 have shot off more weapons recently, so we launched a counter attack as a warning as a response,” the AA’s spokesperson Khaing Thukha said.

Kyaukphyu Township locals want fish cracker factory closed

15 Nov 2019

A factory grinding fish to make fish crackers opened in Kin Pin Lae Nar village, Kyaukphyu Township in October and locals suspect the factory is operating by coal because unpleasant smells are emitted from the factory when it’s operating, according to villagers.

A proposal submitted to release detained people by AA

Khaing Roe La 13 Nov 2019

A proposal was submitted to Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on November 13 by Dr Hla Moe, a member of Pyithu Hluttaw from Aung Myay Thar Zan constituency in Mandalay division, to release government officials and civilians, including Chin State MP U Hwei Tin detained by the Arakan Army (AA).

Chair of Arakan Rakhita Group freed from detention

13 Nov 2019

Maungdaw district court released the chair of Arakan Rakhita Group (ARG) on 13 November after he has been detained for about six months because of lack enough evidence to indict him, according to his lawyer U Aung Kyaw Nyunt.

Tatmadaw unit struck by landmine in Kyauktaw

Myat Win Kyaw 13 Nov 2019

A Tatmadaw unit hit landmines on the afternoon of November 13 beside Yangon – Sittwe highway road near Thayat Tapin village in Kyauktaw Township, the locals said. 

AA asks for a prisoner exchange

Kyaw Chit 12 Nov 2019

The AA said that it is ready to release 17 people associated with military if the Tatmadaw releases the civilians who were detained under many different acts and people who were detained and accused of having links with the AA.

Showing 6,681-6,700 of 7,486 items.