Students’ Union demands end to arrests and torture

19 Jul 2019

The Arakan State Students’ Union demanded to stop wrongfully arrests and torture of students and civilians in their eleven-point statement released after their annual conference held in Thandwe in Arakan State for two days on 13 and 14 July.

Warrant against AA’s leaders yet to meet approval

19 Jul 2019

The Sittwe district court cannot begin a legal trial against twelve villagers and five top leaders from the Arakan Army under the Counter-Terrorism law because the arrest warrant isn’t approved, Daw Aye Nu Sein, lawyer for the case, told the DMG.

Mrauk U Princess Hotel closed

19 Jul 2019

The Mrauk-U Princess Hotel has been closed due to the decline of visitors to the ancient city of Mrauk-U because of the ongoing clashes between the Tatmadaw and the AA in Mrauk-U Township and other townships in northern Arakan State.

About one hundred villagers stranded

19 Jul 2019

About 100 people from conflicted affected villages such as Nwa Yone Daung, Oo Yin Tha and San Go Daung villages have been stranded since new clashes between the Tatmadaw and the AA erupted a couple days ago.

ANP requests government to oversee the case of members of AA(S)

18 Jul 2019

The Arakan National Party (ANP) released a statement yesterday requesting the government to issue factual information in a timely fashion regarding the case of leaders of the Arakan Association (Singapore) who were deported from Singapore.

A landmine found in Mrauk-U Nanyargone

18 Jul 2019

A landmine was found on the second floor in the south-east section of Nanyargone (old palace site) located in the ancient city Mrauk-U, Arakan State, according to local residents.

Woman injured after stepping on landmine

18 Jul 2019

A woman from Nga Pyaw Chaung village in Kyauktaw Township was accidentally stepped a landmine yesterday afternoon and was sent to Kyauktaw hospital, according to administrator of the village.

Nearly 70,000 acres of farmland destroyed during floods

18 Jul 2019

Since floods hit some townships in Arakan State recently, nearly 70,000 acres of farmland in Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Ponnagyun and Minbya townships were destroyed, according to figures of the Arakan State Farmers’ Union.

The number of flood victims increases

18 Jul 2019

Flooding has occurred in Mrauk-U, Minbya and Kyauktaw townships in Arakan State for six days as of 10 July, there are about 100,000 people affected by the flooding due to insufficient preparedness of the government.

Stupa collapses in Mrauk-U

18 Jul 2019

The Pagoda is located in Kyet Zay ward in Mrauk-U town, the small stupa was hit by an artillery shell during a previous attack in Mrauk-U. The stupa developed a crack and after rainwater had seeped into it the stupa collapsed.

AA denounces Tatmadaw’s statement

17 Jul 2019

The Arakan Army released a statement yesterday denouncing the statement of the Tatmadaw alleging the AA of running away after starting fires in Nwa Yon Taung village in Buthidaung Township.

Gold sales fall in Arakan State

16 Jul 2019

Since the ongoing fighting between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army has resulted regional instability and joblessness, sales of gold have been falling in Arakan State, gold shop owners said.

Monsoon paddy farmers face adversity

15 Jul 2019

The main challenges for farmers are the lack of agricultural equipment and high production costs, said U Maung Thar Hla, a farmer from Mawrawati village.

Showing 7,561-7,580 of 7,912 items.