Tatmadaw interrogates over 40 villagers in Buthidaung Township

02 Jul 2019

Local residents from Kan Pyin village who returned from IDP camps in the Buthidaung downtown area to work on their village farmland have been detained for interrogation on 2 July by the Tatmadaw, said Amyotha Hluttaw MP for Buthidaung Township.

KRDA releases report on Kyaukphyu SEZ

01 Jul 2019

The report titled “Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone and Local People’s Future” focused on 12 points and includes the responses of political parties, CSOs, elderly people from communities, farmers, women and fishermen. 

Detained villager dies during emergency medical treatment

01 Jul 2019

A local resident from Pauk Taw Pyin village in Mrauk-U Township, who had been detained and interrogated by the Tatmadaw under the suspicion of being a member of the AA, died on the evening of July 1 while he has been in intensive care at Sittwe hospital.

Internet cut-off affects IDPs

30 Jun 2019

“CSOs in Arakan State have to depend on Internet access to contact donors. Now, communication with the donors is really difficult, so this impacts refugees. That’s why I’d like the government to lift the ban,”

Potential conflict with farmers over development project

30 Jun 2019

The new town project “Sittwe Myanmar City 2030” which is planned to be developed on 7000 acres of land in the capital Sittwe might cause friction with local farmers, members of parliament from Sittwe Township said.

Nearly 3000 people flee from homes in one day

29 Jun 2019

Since a military troop from the Tatmadaw entered Lai Gwin village in Rathedaung Township on Saturday, nearly 3000 villagers from Lai Gwin and Lamone Taing villages have fled to nearby villages, according to local residents.

Loans to Arakanese farmers get snagged

29 Jun 2019

The Myanmar Agriculture and Rural Development Bank cannot disburse funds if farmers don’t furnish documents with the signature of the appropriate ward/village administrator, said U Aung Kyaw Mya, a farmer from Pyaung Sake village.

Chin organizations call for immediate cease fire

28 Jun 2019

More than 20 Chin organizations have called for an immediate stop to hostilities between the Tatmadaw and the AA in Arakan and Chin States and urge respective organizations to seek a solution by negotiating and reaching mutual agreements. 

Arakan State budget allocations are disproportionate

28 Jun 2019

In allocating over K100 billions in the 2019- 2020 budget year, Ramree Township was given the highest amount of K9964 million and Rathedaung Township was given the lowest sum, which came to K3958 million.

ANP’s proposals approved but government falters

28 Jun 2019

Proposals submitted by MPs from the Arakan National Party were approved in the Arakan State parliament, where the majority are ANP members, but the government is wavering when it comes to putting the proposals into action, MPs said.

Internet cut-off affects Arakanese migrant workers

28 Jun 2019

Since the Myanmar government instructed telecommunications companies to suspend mobile data service for some townships in Arakan State, Arakanese migrant workers abroad are encountering challenges.

Showing 7,641-7,660 of 7,912 items.