More houses destroyed, damaged by junta artillery strikes in Pauktaw

More houses caught fire in Arakan State’s Pauktaw town on Saturday after being hit by artillery shells fired by junta warships and the No. 12 Police Battalion in Sittwe.

By Admin 25 Nov 2023

Pauktaw on fire on November 25, 2023.
Pauktaw on fire on November 25, 2023.

DMG Newsroom
25 November 2023, Sittwe

More houses caught fire in Arakan State’s Pauktaw town on Saturday after being hit by artillery shells fired by junta warships and the No. 12 Police Battalion in Sittwe.

Shells fired by the regime landed in Bawan and No. 3 wards in Pauktaw town, setting structures alight, said a witness.

“[Junta forces] have fired shells from Sittwe since this morning. We saw it from the distance that Bawan Ward was on fire. We also heard that Pauktaw Market is also burning,” he said.

Some houses in No. 1 Ward were also burnt by junta artillery strikes in Pauktaw town on Thursday.

The battle between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA) continued for a 10th consecutive day on Saturday in Pauktaw. The AA rescued over 220 residents trapped in the fighting or being held hostage by the regime on November 21 and 23.

One resident who was rescued by the AA on November 21 said: “People are still trapped in the town. There are also residents being detained at the agriculture office and the town hall. Junta soldiers do not allow them to go out.”

Political observers say the regime and the AA are vying for control of Pauktaw because of its strategic location for water transport. 

Political observer U Pe Than said: “Pauktaw battle is the first attack by the ULA/AA to seize a town. Pauktaw is the gateway to Sittwe, and is strategically located for water transport. If the ULA/AA seizes Pauktaw, it will be a great military and economic disadvantage for the regime. So, the two sides are vying for it.”

The regime is conducting joint operations in Pauktaw, using its army, navy and air force. DMG was unable to obtain comment from Arakan State security and border affairs minister Colonel Kyaw Thura.

On Friday, more than 300 shops at the central market in Ponnagyun were burned to the ground when shells fired by junta naval ships in the Kaladan River set fire to the market.