Celebrities donate cash, relief items to Arakan storm victims

The cash donations contributed by movie stars, musicians, comedians and former Myanmar national team players were made at an event in Sittwe on June 28, the junta-controlled Myanmar Alinn newspaper reported.

By Admin 29 Jun 2023

Myanmar celebrities provide cash and food assistance to storm victims in Arakan State. (Photo: Facebook)
Myanmar celebrities provide cash and food assistance to storm victims in Arakan State. (Photo: Facebook)

DMG Newsroom
29 June 2023, Sittwe

Myanmar celebrities and former footballers reportedly donated K227 million and food items worth K40 million to storm victims in Arakan State.

The cash donations contributed by movie stars, musicians, comedians and former Myanmar national team players were made at an event in Sittwe on June 28, the junta-controlled Myanmar Alinn newspaper reported.

“In times of crisis, donations can be a source of support for storm victims in Arakan State,” said a resident of Sittwe who attended the donation event.

Among the celebrities who attended the donation event were U Kyi Soe Tun, chairman of Myanmar Motion Picture Organization, veteran movie stars such as Aung Lwin, Yan Aung, May Than Nu, Moe Yan Zun and Khin Hlaing, and vocalists Yone Lay, Issani and So Tae.

The donors personally went to donate some food items for 2,000 people in Sittwe’s Ohntapin Ward yesterday.

“We were provided with cooking oil, instant noodles, coffee mix, snacks and some food items by Myanmar celebrities yesterday. Although the donations are not many, it is helpful for families who cannot afford it,” said Daw Aye Naing, a resident of Ohntapin Ward.

A fundraising event for storm victims in Arakan State was held in Yangon for three days, from June 5 to 7.

A football friendly match to raise funds for storm victims in Arakan State was held at Thuwunna Stadium in Yangon on June 17, involving some former Myanmar national team players and celebrities.

International groups and domestic organisations have donated storm aid to the junta, but the delivery of aid to those in need on the ground is still weak, said an aid worker on the ground.

“The junta only allows NGOs and INGO aid [organisations] to travel for previously approved procedures, and new approvals must be submitted for new programmes. As a result, some organisations are said to be facing time delays and travel difficulties in delivering relief items to those in need,” the aid worker added.

According to the Arakan State Administration Council, the financial losses inflicted by the storm totaled nearly K4.7 billion. The cyclonic storm destroyed 971 schools, 252 health facilities and 1,507 religious buildings, and affected 1,156,796 people in Arakan State, the Arakan State Administration Council said.