AA seizes eight Maungdaw Twsp military camps in less than week 

The AA has seized several junta bases, military camps and BGF outposts in Maungdaw. It has also stepped up attacks on Border Guard Police Battalion Nos. 2, 4, and 5.

By Admin 08 Jun 2024

AA fighters are seen after taking control of the military’s BGF Battalion No. 6 in Inndin Village.
AA fighters are seen after taking control of the military’s BGF Battalion No. 6 in Inndin Village.

DMG Newsroom
8 June 2024, Maungdaw

The Arakkha Army (AA) has seized eight military camps, junta bases and Border Guard Force battalions in Maungdaw Township, Arakan State, in less than a week, the ethnic armed group said in a statement on June 7.

Since June 2, the AA has been launching multiple, sometimes simultaneous attacks on junta camps and seized two more BGF battalions, two BGF outposts near the Angumaw-Maungdaw road and three other military camps in Maungdaw Township.

The AA also took control of two outposts of the military’s BGF battalion No. 2 on June 7, the statement said.

The AA has seized several junta bases, military camps and BGF outposts in Maungdaw. It has also stepped up attacks on Border Guard Police Battalion Nos. 2, 4, and 5.

The AA has warned junta soldiers to surrender as soon as possible if they want to save their lives.

At least 400 junta soldiers were killed in clashes with the AA in Arakan State in the first week of June and some junta soldiers drowned at Kyaukpandu Beach, Ale Thankyaw Beach, U Daung Creek and in the Bay of Bengal, the statement added.

The AA has seized nine townships in Arakan State along with Paletwa Township in neighbouring Chin State, and has declared its ambition to take control of the remaining Arakan townships of Maungdaw, Sittwe, Ann, Thandwe, Kyaukphyu, Taungup, Manaung and Gwa. It has been attacking junta positions in Maungdaw, Ann and Thandwe townships in recent weeks.