Fighting between military and AA reported in northern Maungdaw Twsp

Fighting flared between the Myanmar military and Arakan Army near Mee Taik Village in Maungdaw Township, Arakan State, on September 9 morning, according to locals.

By DMG 09 Sep 2022

DMG Newsroom
9 September 2022, Maungdaw

Fighting flared between the Myanmar military and Arakan Army near Mee Taik Village in Maungdaw Township, Arakan State, on September 9 morning, according to locals.

A clash broke out between the military and AA at a location between Milepost 35 and Milepost 36 at around 9 a.m. and the fighting lasted for about three hours, said a resident of Mingalarnyunt Village.

“A clash erupted near Mee Taik Village this morning. The fighting lasted for about three hours and sounds of heavy weapon and small arms fire were heard,” the villager added.

The military’s base in Taungpyo Village, about two miles from Mee Taik Village, fired heavy weapons into the scene of the clash at about 3 p.m., said a resident of Taungpyo Village.

“It is true that the fighting broke out near Mee Taik Village. The junta troops from the Taungpyo military base fired heavy weapons into the location where the clash broke out. There are no fighter jets coming and shooting. Now I don’t hear the gunfire,” the Taungpyo resident added.

The military fired multiple artillery shells into the scene of fighting near Mee Taik Village for about two hours, said U Maung Ohn, former Arakan State lawmaker for Maungdaw Township.

“The military troops from Taungpyo camp fired artillery shells into the scene of fighting for two hours. No one remained in Mee Taik Village and fled to safer locations,” the ex-legislator said.

AA spokesperson U Khaing Thukha told DMG that details about the situation of the fighting are still unknown.

U Khaing Thukha has previously noted that there are military tensions between the military and the AA, and that there has been sometimes-intense fighting in Maungdaw Township, Arakan State, and Paletwa Township, Chin State, for about a month, since early August.

DMG continues to attempt to contact Arakan State Minister for Security and Border Affairs Colonel Kyaw Thura seeking comment on the fighting.