Six Minbya Twsp villagers injured by junta artillery strikes

Six civilians including a child and an older teenager in Palaung Pyin Village, Minbya Township, were injured when their village was struck by junta artillery strikes at around 1 p.m. on Friday, according to local residents.

By DMG 07 Oct 2022

Palaung Pyin villagers injured by shelling. (Photo: Supplied)

DMG Newsroom
7 September 2022, Minbya

Six civilians including a child and an older teenager in Palaung Pyin Village, Minbya Township, were injured when their village was struck by junta artillery strikes at around 1 p.m. on Friday, according to local residents.

The Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA) clashed at about noon near Kyet Sin Bridge. Two shells hit the village as two nearby hilltop junta outposts provided artillery support for their ground troops, a villager told DMG on condition of anonymity.

U Thaung Maung, 57; Ko Aung Win, 35; Ko Maung Maung Thein, 38; Maung Win Htay, 20; Ma Aye Nyein San, 16; and Maung Khaing Soe, 8, were reportedly injured.

“Children were hit as they fled. Two people were struck by the first shell, and four more were injured by the second one. [Junta troops] fired around 40 shells. Two shells landed in the village and hit people,” said the villager, who asked for anonymity.

Ma Aye Nyein San was badly injured in her back and Maung Khaing Soe also suffered serious injuries in his thigh. The two were rushed to Pauktaw Hospital. Others sustained minor injuries and sought medical treatment at rural clinics.

DMG was unable to obtain comment from junta spokesman Major-General Zaw Min Tun and Arakan State Security and Border Affairs Minister Colonel Kyaw Thura about villagers’ allegations related to the shelling.

Many have fled Palaung Pyin following the shelling, according to a resident. “As Myanmar military soldiers are also deployed at Kyet Sin Bridge, locals close to the village have also fled,” said the resident.

At least six civilians have died, and 23 others have been injured by junta artillery strikes since August amid the renewed fighting between the Myanmar military and the AA.