10 civilians injured in junta airstrikes on AA-held Pauktaw Twsp villages

The civilian casualties were reported after a military jet fighter and drones dropped multiple bombs on Latpanpyar and Thawinchaung villages on June 11, the AA’s statement said.

By Admin 12 Jun 2024

Some Pauktaw residents injured in Tuesday’s junta airstrike. (Photo: AA Info Desk)
Some Pauktaw residents injured in Tuesday’s junta airstrike. (Photo: AA Info Desk)

DMG Newsroom
12 June 2024, Pauktaw

At least 10 civilians were injured in a junta airstrike on two villages in Pauktaw Township held by the Arakkha Army (AA) in Arakan State on Tuesday morning, the ethnic armed group said in a statement.

The civilian casualties were reported after a military jet fighter and drones dropped multiple bombs on Latpanpyar and Thawinchaung villages on June 11, the AA’s statement said.

The injured reportedly range in age from 16 to 57 years old. They are being treated in nearby villages and some are said to be in critical condition.

“[Three] injured men are said to be in critical condition and the reason behind the attack remains unknown,” said a local resident in Thawinchaung Village.

Human rights activists in Arakan State say the regime cannot accept military defeat and is only targeting civilians to destroy the AA’s administrative mechanisms.

“The regime always commits war crimes and the international community needs to take effective action against the regime on these issues,” said one human rights activist.

The AA took control of Pauktaw Town on January 24. It was the first town seized by the ethnic armed group in Arakan State.