Over 1,000 civilians trapped in Thandwe; regime accused of using human shields

Observers say junta troops deployed in Thandwe Town intend to use the remaining civilians as human shields as the AA is poised to attack the town.

By Admin 08 Jul 2024

Over 1,000 civilians trapped in Thandwe; regime accused of using human shields

DMG Newsroom
8 July 2024, Thandwe

Some 1,000 residents are trapped in Thandwe Town as Myanmar’s military regime has barred them from fleeing ongoing fighting there.

Those residents remain in the town due to a combination of financial difficulties and travel restrictions, though the majority of Thandwe residents have fled. A Thandwe resident who is trapped in the town said they wanted to flee as fighting moved closer to the town, but the regime did not allow them to leave.

“The Arakkha Army (AA) has passed Ngapali. They will soon arrive in Thandwe. Residents want to flee for fear that they might be trapped in the fighting. However, the regime only allows people to enter the town. It does not allow them to leave the town,” he said.

Observers say junta troops deployed in Thandwe Town intend to use the remaining civilians as human shields as the AA is poised to attack the town.

Meanwhile, junta’s propaganda has painting a picture of Thandwe is stable, sharing photographs of a busy market.

“The regime is exploiting civilians to hamper the AA’s attacks,” said another Thandwe resident.

The AA has seized Light Infantry Battalion No. 566 and Thandwe Airport, and is attacking Infantry Battalion No. 55.

The regime has reportedly brought in troops from a handful of battalions outside Thandwe Townshiop including Pakokku-based Infantry Battalion No. 252 under the command of the 101st Light Infantry Division. Fighting is raging as the regime also uses warships and warplanes to defend against the AA’s attacks.

The junta has also airlifted reinforcements to Thandwe Town, which is located about 5 miles from the famous Ngapali Beach, fortifying Thandwe Prison to brace for AA attacks.

The regime is fighting tooth and nail to defend Thandwe because losing the town will deliver a severe blow to the regime, according to veteran Arakanese politician U Pe Than.

“It will bring political dignity for the AA if it can control Thandwe. And the regime will lose face. Losing Thandwe means the regime will lose its dignity and business interests,” U Pe Than told DMG.

The AA said the battle for Thandwe has so far been among the fiercest and hardest battles it has fought in Arakan State.

The AA is also fighting to drive junta troops out of Maungdaw Town in the state’s north. It defeated one of the last two border guard police battalions in Maungdaw on Saturday.

The AA said it has also besieged the junta’s Western Command in Ann Township, the 5th Military Operations Command in Taungup, the Regional Operations Command in Sittwe and the Danyawaddy naval base in Kyaukphyu Township.