Tabebuia trees destroyed for second time in Myebon 

DMG 20 Nov 2021


Several Tabebuia trees planted by the Myebon Youth Association along the entrance road to Myebon town were destroyed for a second time, Ko Si Thu Win, the association’s external relations officer, told DMG. 

Teacher involved in CDM arrested in Taungup

DMG 20 Nov 2021


A female high school teacher who is said to have been part of the anti-coup Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) in Taungup, Arakan State, since its earliest days was arrested on November 20, according to witnesses. 

Security guarantees remain stumbling block to Tinma villagers’ return

DMG 16 Nov 2021


Arrangements will be made to help displaced Tinma villagers in Kyauktaw Township, Arakan State, who have repeatedly sought their own return, but only once their security is guaranteed, said U Hla Thein, a spokesman and attorney-general for the Arakan State Administration Council. 

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