IDP returnee loses leg in landmine blast

Admin 18 Apr 2024

Maung Thein Soe, 18, was walking to a farm near an abandoned military camp where junta troops were once stationed on April 17 when he stepped on the landmine. 

AA attempts to seize key tactical command base in Ann Twsp

Admin 18 Apr 2024

The Arakha Army (AA) has been launching attacks on the Tawhein tactical command base near Kazukaing Village in Ann Township since March, with the military responding to the AA’s offensive manoeuvres with heavy weapons including airstrikes.

Junta drops bombs on Thandwe Twsp villages

Admin 15 Apr 2024

“A junta jet fighter dropped two 500 pound bombs on four villages. We heard a loud sound eight times. Some fell near the villages while some landed on the hills,” the local man added.

AA clashes with military in Thandwe

Admin 13 Apr 2024

The military clashed with the Arakha Army (AA) at a location between Kwaychaung and Yaysin villages in Thandwe Township, Arakan State, at about 5 a.m. on Saturday, according to locals.

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