Junta-appointed village administrator abducted in Thandwe

A village administrator in Arakan State’s Thandwe Township, where tensions between the military and Arakkha Army (AA) are escalating, has reportedly been detained and gone missing since his arrest.

By Admin 11 May 2024

Junta-appointed village administrator abducted in Thandwe

DMG Newsroom
11 May 2024, Thandwe

A village administrator in Arakan State’s Thandwe Township, where tensions between the military and Arakkha Army (AA) are escalating, has reportedly been detained and gone missing since his arrest.

U Maung Maung, 57, an administrator of Kwaychaung Village, was abducted from his home by a group of men in civilian dress on May 9 and he has not been seen or heard from since.

It is not known which group abducted U Maung Maung, residents said.

“There are reports that he [U Maung Maung] has been killed. To date, no evidence has come out. I think he was arrested because he is a junta-appointed administrator,” said a source.

A clash between the military and AA broke out near Kwaychaung Village on April 13, which marked the first fighting in Thandwe Township.

Even prior to fighting erupting in the township, there were cases of arrests and killings of ward and village administrators related to the military regime in Thandwe Township. A 100-household head from Darwa Village in Thandwe Township was killed in March while collecting a list of conscripts.

It has been nearly one month since the AA launched its offensive against the military in Thandwe Township, and fierce fighting is ongoing.