Junta bolsters defences in southern Arakan State

Myanmar’s military regime is preparing its defence in Taungup, Thandwe, Gwa and Manaung townships in southern Arakan State against attacks from the Arakkha Army (AA).

By Admin 29 May 2024

Junta soldiers at a military drill.
Junta soldiers at a military drill.

DMG Newsroom
29 May 2024, Thandwe

Myanmar’s military regime is preparing its defence in Taungup, Thandwe, Gwa and Manaung townships in southern Arakan State against attacks from the Arakkha Army (AA).

The regime has been reinforcing those townships since the third week of May. 

“The regime has deployed troops across southern Arakan State. Police from other regions outside Arakan State have arrived in Kyeintali via Gwa recently,” said a Gwa resident. “The regime has learnt from its past mistakes. It has been sending reinforcements in disguise. It is preparing a defence in key positions.”

About 60 police officers from a police battalion in Yangon’s Hlaing Tharyar Township recently arrived in Thandwe and Gwa townships, he added.

The regime is also reinforcing deployments in Thandwe Township, as well as beefing up security in Thandwe town. 

The regime has recently been fencing in the football pitch and airport in Manaung town to build a new artillery base, according to a Manaung resident. “It has also deployed warships,” he said. 

The regime, however, reportedly told residents that it was only fencing in the football pitch and airport to beautify the town. 

The regime is also preparing to establish new bases in Maei town in Taungup Township, locals told DMG. 

“As it has lost much of northern Arakan State, it is carefully preparing a defence in southern Arakan,” said a social activist from Arakan State. 

The AA has seized Buthidaung, Rathedaung, Ponnagyun, Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Pauktaw, Minbya, Myebon, Ramree townships in Arakan State and Paletwa Township in neighbouring Chin State. It is conducting large-scale attacks on Maungdaw, Ann and Thandwe towns, which the regime is defending with air and artillery support.