Over 20 people detained by junta in Buthidaung Twsp

Myanmar’s military regime detained more than 20 people, including Arakanese and Muslims, in Buthidaung Township on Sunday, according to relatives of the detainees.

By DMG 24 Oct 2022

The Buthidaung Township jetty is pictured in January 2022.

DMG Newsroom
24 October 2022, Buthidaung

Myanmar’s military regime detained more than 20 people, including Arakanese and Muslims, in Buthidaung Township on Sunday, according to relatives of the detainees.

About 50 junta soldiers arrived in three military vehicles at around noon on October 23 and detained the locals at Buthidaung’s central market and a nearby jetty.

The detainees reportedly included four tax collectors and clerks from the market, as well as boat owners and porters from the township jetty. A policeman who guards the central market was also reportedly detained. DMG was unable to independently verify those reports.

Ko Soe Min Than, a brother of detainee U Kyaw Hla Myint, said: “My brother was working as a tax collector at the market. And he was detained for no apparent reason.”

They were reportedly detained by junta troops belonging to Light Infantry Battalion Nos. 354 and 352, and their whereabouts remain unknown.

A relative of another detainee, U Maung Aye Tun, said: “He has been working as a tax collector at the market, and he is old.”

DMG was unable to obtain comment from Arakan State Security and Border Affairs Minister Colonel Kyaw Thura and junta spokesman Major-General Zaw Min Tun.

The regime is attempting to instill fear in people by making arbitrary civilian arrests, said former Buthidaung Township lawmaker U Aung Thaung Shwe.

“The Myanmar military can’t arrest AA members, so it is targeting people to instill fear in them. It is a war crime to detain civilians,” he said.