Taungup villagers, ‘concerned school might collapse if strong winds blow,’ seek new building

In Yaypawgyi village in Kyokyer village-tract in Arakan State’s Taungup Township, an old building that served as living quarters for road workers is being used as a school for children of the village, and locals are calling for construction of a new building.

By Admin 20 Sep 2023

The Yay Paw Gyi village school seen on September 19, 2023.
The Yay Paw Gyi village school seen on September 19, 2023.

DMG Newsroom
20 September 2023, Taungup
In Yaypawgyi village in Kyokyer village-tract in Arakan State’s Taungup Township, an old building that served as living quarters for road workers is being used as a school for children of the village, and locals are calling for construction of a new building.
“Every year, we asked the state education office to build a new school building. The education officer always replied that the budget is not yet granted,” said U Khin Maung Than, the administrator of Yay Paw Gyi village.
A total of 25 students from kindergarten to fifth grade are studying at the school. There are five teachers at the school.
The existing building is dilapidated.

“We are concerned that the school might collapse if strong winds blow. The roof is leaking, and children can get sick when it rains,” said Daw Nwe Yi, the mother of a student.
The roof and walls of the school are at places fixed with tarpaulin sheets and old corrugated roofing sheets.
“When it rains with strong winds, the roof leaks. On days of heavy rains, parents do not send their children to school,” said school headmistress Daw Tin Tin Khaing.
Villagers say the school is not safe for even a single additional year’s use.

When asked by DMG, assistant education officer U Tun Tin of the Taungup Township Education Office said: “I heard the school is no longer suitable. I have reported to the government. It has not yet replied.”
Yay Paw Gyi village is located near the Padaung-Taungup road, and has a population of more than 200 people across 50 households.