More civilians displaced by fighting in Mon State’s Thaton

Civilians continue to be displaced by fighting between Myanmar’s junta and anti-regime forces including the Karen National Union (KNU) and People’s Defence Force (PDF) groups in areas controlled by KNU Brigade 1 in Mon State’s Thaton District, according to local humanitarian groups. 

07 May 2022

Photo: KNU (Thaton District)

DMG Newsroom
7 May 2022, Thaton  

Civilians continue to be displaced by fighting between Myanmar’s junta and anti-regime forces including the Karen National Union (KNU) and People’s Defence Force (PDF) groups in areas controlled by KNU Brigade 1 in Mon State’s Thaton District, according to local humanitarian groups. 

From late March to early May, the number of internally displaced people (IDPs) in the district has risen by about 7,000 due to clashes between the Myanmar military and anti-junta coalition forces. That is on top of thousands in Thaton District who were previously displaced by fighting between the two sides since the military coup on February 1, 2021, amid persistent tensions in the region

Many are badly in need of shelter, food, drinking water and medicine, according to a local humanitarian worker. 

“More than 10,000 people have been displaced by the fighting in Bilin and Kyaikto [townships]. Medicine is their top priority,” said the aid worker. “We have provided them with as many shelters and food supplies as we could find. Some are falling ill because of the weather, which has alternated between rains and high temperatures. And they have difficult access to drinking water.” 

“More people are suffering from diarrhoea because the water is not clean. There are donors who have provided medicines, but it is not enough, and we have to make do with what we have,” said a health worker who is providing treatment to IDPs. 

Fighting has taken place in parts of Hpa-an, Thaton, Bilin and Kyaikto townships controlled by KNU Brigade 1. The Karen State Border Guard Force has fought alongside Myanmar’s military in those clashes.