Tatmadaw and AA needs to talk to end war in Arakan State, MPs suggests

Nay Yaung Min 04 Sep 2019

The fighting between the Tatmadaw and the AA has been waging for over eight months now, disrupting civilians lives in the worst ways possible. Arakan lawmakers have strongly suggested that both sides must sit down together and find a way to bring peace and stability to the region that’s acceptable to everyone.

Two ANP lawmakers resign from Constitutional Amendment Committee

Khaing Roe La 04 Sep 2019

“We have known that the voting system of the committee cannot fulfill the desire of the ANP and other ethnic political parties. So, we are not able to amend the constitution to the extent we want to see. That’s why we decided to withdraw from the committee,”

Seven residents receive injuries during gunfire in Kyauktaw

Khaing Roe La 03 Sep 2019

A landmine exploded yesterday afternoon at about 2 p.m. on the Yangon-Sittwe road between Thayet Ta Bin and Daung Taung Yoe villages. After the blast, soldiers reached the bridge near Thayet Ta Bin village opened fire into the village, villagers said.

University students demand allowance for IDP students

Win Nyunt 02 Sep 2019

University students from Arakan State have demanded authorities to provide a financial stipend for students from IDP camps on 2 September headed by the Students’ Union of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Thandwe town.

Clashes in Arakan State hamper polio vaccination campaign

Khin Tharaphy Oo 01 Sep 2019

The Department of Public Health has arranged to give polio vaccines for children up to five years in 12 townships but the department faces difficulty to fully conduct its campaign because clashes occurred in eight townships.

Drafting Mrauk-U region nomination for World Heritage Site finished

Khin Tharaphy Oo 31 Aug 2019

The drafting of the nomination dossier to enlist the Mrauk-U cultural region for the list of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites has been accomplished, said Daw Khin Than, chairperson of the Mrauk-U Ancient Cultural Heritage Conservation Group.

Two villagers abducted by Tatmadaw

Khaing Roe La 31 Aug 2019

Two people from Mrauk-U’s Ywar Haung Daw village were taken by a military troop on Saturday morning, family members said.

Showing 7,361-7,380 of 7,912 items.