Four detainees allowed to meet relatives

08 Aug 2019

Four of 11 people arrested by police for alleged links to the Arakan Army (AA) were allowed to meet their families on August 8 at Ponnagyun township’s police station, U Maung Maung Than, a family member of detainees  told DMG.

Civilians trapped in hot spot in Minbya Township gets attention

07 Aug 2019

“Soldiers told us we were not allowed to go to these villages because of their superiors’ orders. By obstructing villagers to seek a safe and secure haven is a form of violating human rights because all citizens have a right to move where they please,”

Village administrative officials step on landmines

07 Aug 2019

The military troop took U Hla Maung, 35, the head of hundred households for Khapaw village and U Thauk Kyar Aung, 51, the head of ten households for the same village, to guide them to go to Mar Lar village, one mile from their village.

Amyotha Hluttaw lawmaker raises question about IDP students

07 Aug 2019

“Students fled from conflict zone are in need of educational access and they lack required documents and educational materials such as books. The main objective is for students to be able to pursue their education this year,” the lawmaker said.

Attack on Navy’s vessel impacts local commerce

06 Aug 2019

Military troops have been positioned in Sat Yoe Kya creek for security after the AA’s attack on a Navy’s vessel that’s anchored in the creek near Kyay Daw village in July; this impacts local residents’ businesses in nearby villages. 

Eleven villagers accused of involvement with AA

06 Aug 2019

Eleven young villagers from Ponnagyun Township were detained by police on 27 July and eight of them have been interrogated in Ponnagyun Myoma police station after they were found being mobilized to join in the AA, the Tatmadaw announced. 

AA denies Tatmadaw capture a training camp

05 Aug 2019

The Arakan Army denies the Tatmadaw’s claim that it seized a training camp of the AA located 2000 meters west of Chay Yar Daw village during regional clearance operations in Sittwe Township.

Passenger buses and vendors face difficulties

05 Aug 2019

Fighting between the Tatmadaw and the AA in Arakan State recently broke out near Yangon-Sittwe road, which decreased the number of travelers, and this makes passenger buses and venders near bus stations face troubles to run their business.

Showing 7,461-7,480 of 7,912 items.