Seasonal Anxiety Sets In for Arakan State IDPs

Nay Myo Linn 09 May 2022

Daw Ma Hla Sein is sick with worry as the monsoon season approaches and her temporary home is crumbling. Nagging at her constantly is the thought that her house, which is mostly made of bamboo and roofed with tarpaulin sheets, might collapse in the seasonally inclement weather to come. 

A Sittwe Mass Eviction’s Human Toll

Admin 27 Mar 2022

“After I die, take care of our children like I have done. Don’t remarry. I will keep an eye on you by the railroad,” 34-year-old Ma Aye Htwe Yi told her husband Ko Twan Oo Kyaw earlier this month, not long before she departed this life. 

Death Can Be Just a Step Away in Rural Arakan State

Nay Myo Linn 24 Mar 2022

Thalu Chaung villagers searched for him in the forest the following day, to no avail. The next day they did the same, with the same result. On the third day, they found U Maung Than Tun’s body in an area that was the scene of fierce fighting between the Myanmar military and Arakan Army in 2019 and 2020. Ko Oo Hla Than, a nephew of U Maung Than Tun, said the body was badly mangled, missing both an arm and a leg. 

A decade displaced, septuagenarian still holds out hope for home return

DMG 25 Feb 2022

But on June 12, 2012, Daw San Phyu’s family nest collapsed. Inter-communal conflict in Arakan State was spreading from town to town, and had reached Sittwe. She and her family were forced to flee along with thousands of other Muslims in several villages and towns across Arakan State. 

In Deserts Created From War, Family Is Our Oasis

Moe Yan Htet (Kun Taung) 01 Feb 2022

By early 2019, our family and many others in northern Arakan State were displaced. Some houses were torched, some people were killed or wounded by the war, and some were arrested.

For IDP teachers, class continues despite displacement’s hardships

DMG 15 Jan 2022

Seven-year-old children, folding their arms in respect for the classroom they are a part of, repeat loudly what their teacher reads. The children, as well as the teacher, are victims of war, and the classroom is located in an internally displaced person (IDP) camp.

Is There No Justice for Victims of Conflict in Arakan State?

Akriz 23 Sep 2021

A man who collects plastic bottles was arrested by the military in Kyauktaw, and his body was dismembered and dumped in a polythene bag. The corpse was so disfigured that he was scarcely recognizable. A tattoo of the name Su Hlaing Win, his beloved daughter, was still visible on his severed arm, a tragic way to have to identify a body. 

A Snapshot of Civil War

18 Jul 2021

“My wife told me that she did not have her two legs. My second son told me, crying, that he’d lost his legs. My third son is dead,” Ko Oo Maung said of the tragedy that befell his family on April 4, 2021. 

A Refuge for the Elderly in Sittwe

Khine Phone Thu Thu Zaw 07 Jul 2021

From birth onward, the natural progression to old age, sickness, and death is one of the things that most will inevitably experience. We strive to experience the essence of happiness as we struggle to live a higher standard of life before we die.

Minbya Widows Wonder: Can Truth and Justice Be Exhumed?

Thurein 05 Jul 2021

They were killed after entering a forest situated east of Min Ywar village to look for firewood in March 2020, during a period of intense fighting between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) in northern Arakan State.

Showing 41-60 of 77 items.