Landmine kills Thandwe Twsp villager

Admin 18 Jun 2024

A man from Alel Ywar Village in Arakan State’s Thandwe Township died on Monday after stepping on a landmine while going to croplands near the village.

Junta steps up bombing raids in Pauktaw Twsp

Admin 17 Jun 2024

Myanmar’s military regime has stepped up its air raids in Arakan State’s Pauktaw Township, which is controlled by the Arakkha Army (AA), inflicting additional civilian casualties.

Junta arrests scores of residents in Sittwe

Admin 17 Jun 2024

The military regime abducted about 200 residents from Mingan Ward in Arakan State’s Sittwe Town on Sunday. They have been held incommunicado since, according to residents.

Regime forces clash with AA in Kyaukphyu

Admin 17 Jun 2024

Fighting between the Myanmar military and Arakkha Army (AA) has reportedly been ongoing near Zaingchaung Village, part of Arakan State’s Kyaukphyu Township, since 7 a.m. on Monday.

AA warns locals to leave Maungdaw

Admin 17 Jun 2024

The AA has captured almost all the junta camps in Maungdaw Township and has surrounded and cut off the remaining camps in and around the town of Maungdaw.

AA blocks off Taungup-Padaung road section

Admin 15 Jun 2024

“The regime sent reinforcements to Taungup in Arakan State via Padaung Township in Bago Region. This is the reason why the AA blocks the road section,” the source explained.

Junta commits 46 massacres in four months: report

Admin 14 Jun 2024

The military regime committed 46 massacres in the four months from January through April, reported Nyan Lin Thit Analytica, an independent research group monitoring Myanmar’s political situation.

Showing 401-420 of 7,460 items.