CSOs urged to work with government aid programs

Thet Naing 25 Apr 2019

“When providing relief aid for IDPs, some people do not receive aid. Sometimes, some IDP camps receive more relief items than other IDP camps. If CSOs work under the management of the government, we can avoid this situation,” the minister said.

Illegal tenants on pastureland sued for squatting

Khaing Roe La 24 Apr 2019

More than 40 houses were built on land that’s over 100 acres wide, some of the squatters have been living on the land for more than two decades while some of them relocated to the area in recent years.

ARSA attacks Security Force vehicle

Nay Yaung Min (Sittwe) 23 Apr 2019

A police vehicle used for security operations was attacked with heavy weapons by the Arakan Rohingya Salvtion Army (ARSA) in Maungdaw Township on the morning of April 22,

Unborn baby dies by gunshot

Cha Lu Aung 22 Apr 2019

“The mother was struck in her abdomen by a stray bullet while she was worshipping. There was no battle but we heard firing between Sinthaybyin and Uyinthar villages.

Food shortages and diarrhea outbreak menace Sin Kae IDP camp

Khaing Roe La 21 Apr 2019

“They have to drink water from the creek. Because of strong wind and heavy rain in previous days, roofs and walls of the buildings in the camps were destroyed. They are now living in buildings without any fortification.

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